Kubernetes Fury Distribution anywhere

The Kubernetes Fury Distro Provider, one of the pieces of the puzzle of the new furyctl, is now available: this new offering enables the installation of Kubernetes Fury Distribution on any cluster, even those that are not managed by furyctl. This development broadens the applicability of Kubernetes Fury Distribution, allowing it to be deployed on a greater variety of systems.

Introducing the New Fury Distro Provider

The Kubernetes Fury Distro Provider operates through the introduction of a new KFD Kind, that now can be used within the new furyctl.yaml manifest file.

This functionality empowers users to configure KFD modules and subsequently install them onto any pre-existing cluster. This marked enhancement in flexibility opens up a myriad of possibilities for users seeking to leverage the comprehensive capabilities of KFD in a way that best suits their unique infrastructure needs.

What truly sets this new offering apart is its platform agnostic design: instead of being limited to clusters created from scratch using furyctl, users can now utilise their existing clusters. We believe this feature strikes a great balance between using KFD for full cluster management and leveraging Fury's production readiness on an existing setup.

Try Fury on your own clusters

In essence, the new Fury Distro Provider expands the range of possibilities for Kubernetes Fury Distribution installation. It embodies the continual dedication to enhancing user flexibility and convenience, solidifying Fury's position as a reliable solution for robust Kubernetes management.

To know more, you can find an example configuration for the KFDDistribution kind here: https://github.com/sighupio/fury-distribution/blob/main/templates/config/kfddistribution-kfd-v1alpha2.yaml.tpl