KFD guidelines for 2022 and the road ahead
Find out more on the KFD guidelines for 2022 and what is coming next. Exciting times are ahead!

The adoption of containerized applications and Kubernetes is skyrocketing. Some people are even calling Kubernetes “the Operating System for the Cloud”.
One goal of Kubernetes Fury Distribution (KFD) is to let you be part of this revolution, giving you strong foundations to build your application and have it running on production smoothly.
KFD keeps evolving together with Kubernetes and the Cloud Native ecosystem. In this post, we discuss the plans for KFD for this year.
ℹ️ If you are new to KFD, we invite you to learn more about it in the documentation section of KFD's site.
Without further ado, let's deep dive in the the key concepts for KFD in 2022.
Community 👥
At SIGHUP, the community has always been at the heart of our company culture:
- All of our projects are 100% open-source
- We actively participate and sponsor events both locally and regionally. Some of them are:
- Kubernetes and Cloud Native Milano Meetup
- Kubernetes Community Days Italy
- KubeCon Europe 2022
Psst… we are planning some cool stuff for KubeCon! stay tuned 😉
Standing on the shoulders of giants 🦿
We started the year with the release 1.23 of KFD, providing you with all the benefits of the latest versions from our upstream projects. To highlight some of them:
- Kubernetes 1.23
- Networking with Project Calico 3.21.3
- Ingress with NGINX controller 1.1.0 and cert-manager 1.6.1
- Monitoring with Prometheus (Operator 0.53.1 and Operated 2.32.1), Alertmanager 0.23.0, and Grafana 8.3.3
- Logging with Elasticsearch and Kibana 7.16.2
- OPA with Gatekeeper 3.7.0 and Gatekeeper Policy Manager 0.5.1
- Disaster Recovery with Velero 1.7.1
We invite you to read the release notes for KFD 1.23 here in the blog for more details.
The Cloud Native ecosystem is a fast-moving and changing one, we’ll keep working on bringing all the latest goodies from it to KFD modules, packaged in a sane and production-grade way.
We are constantly following the community trends and hot topics to keep KFD relevant to you. Some topics that we are following closely and where you can expect news regarding modules are GitOps, Authorization and Authentication, Observability, and Images Notarization.
A home for KFD’s Community 🏠
The entry point to a community for open-source projects is its documentation, and KFD documentation was not doing a great job welcoming our users.
To fix this, together with the last release we launched a brand new KFD site, setting the baseline for the upcoming work in the following months.
We worked hard to:
- Improve the contents of the docs
- Make them clear and more complete
- Improve their structure so you can find what you need faster.
While we were at it, we performed some under-the-hood improvements. For example, all the docs are now stored together with the code in each GitHub repository, allowing us to have:
- The documentation up-to-date with the changes to the codebase. Previously, we had an independent repository for the documentation.
- The documentation is visible also in GitHub when you are browsing the repositories. Previously, the content in GitHub was not as complete as the documentation site.
- One source of truth for the documentation of each module. Previously, a part of the module’s documentation was in the same repository and the other in the documentation repository.
There’s still a lot of work that we would like to do regarding the documentation. Expect improvements in this area!
It is our wish that the new site eventually will become the home for KFD and its ecosystem and not only its documentation site.
We would love to hear from you 💬
We are also happy to announce our public #fury-distribution
Slack channel on the official Kubernetes Slack, where you can find the SIGHUP team and chat about all things KFD. The channel is open to everybody, join us! 💬
Speaking of community, we have made some adjustments to our GitHub organization too! We have pinned the important repositories, improved their description and readmes, and set up clear contribution guidelines.
Read more on how to contribute with KFD in the Contribute section of the documentation.
Automation 🦾
KFD was born in the Cloud Native ecosystem, where automation and providing programmatic interfaces are basic construction pillars, of course, we took the same construction blocks to build KFD, as you can see in our principles.
Another goal of KFD is battle-tested simplicity, what a better way to achieve simplicity than automating away the complexity! With tools like infrastructure as code, configuration as code and APIs.
We will be working this year in improving our tooling and KFD itself to facilitate the automation and reproducibility of tasks, but still give you flexibility, openness and industry-standard technologies so you are always the owner of your infrastructure.
Conclusion 👋🏻
Exciting times are ahead! And we are happy to have you with us and share them. Let’s unleash Kubernetes Fury together!