Security Featured Ingress-nginx CVE-2025-1974 - Report and Mitigation Procedures A critical security vulnerability (CVE-2025-1974) has been identified in the ingress-nginx controller, an essential component for network traffic management in Kubernetes. Here you will find the remediation plan for SIGHUP Kubernetes Distribution Open Source and Enterprise installations.
announcements KFD 1.27.3 plus furyctl 0.27.3 The Kubernetes fury Ecosystem Keeps Growing with KFD 1.27.3, furyctl 0.27.3, and new packages.
announcements KFD v1.26.2 and furyctl 0.26.2 release with new OnPremises provider and Plugins feature SIGHUP is proud to announce the latest release of KFD - Kubernetes Fury Distribution, in which we have added support for Kubernetes 1.26.x, introduced the new furyctl OnPremises provider, along with a new feature: Plugins.
Kubernetes Secure Your Kubernetes Environment with OPA and Gatekeeper We will introduce you to the powerful combination of Open Policy Agent (OPA) and Gatekeeper for Kubernetes security.
announcements Kubernetes Fury Distribution anywhere The Kubernetes Fury Distro Provider is now available: this new offering enables the installation of KFD on any Kubernetes-comformant cluster. Turn any upstream Kubernetes cluster into production grade, with ease.
announcements Fury Distribution v1.25.3 and furyctl-ng v0.25.0-beta.0 are now available We're thrilled to introduce the latest releases of Fury Distribution v1.25.3 and furyctl-ng v0.25.0-beta.0.
announcements Featured Supercharging Kubernetes Fury Distribution's Networking OSS Module with Cilium SIGHUP refactored the KFD Fury Networking module, adding support for Cilium as an additional CNI networking plugin to its CNCF landscape technology.
CNCF SIGHUP’s tales from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2023 Read the SIGHUP's tale from KubeCon EU 2023. We share our experience at the conference, retracing announcements, talk takeaways, trending topics highlights and upcoming events.
Kubernetes Announcing Kubernetes Fury Distribution 1.25 (KFD) Latest Release and Furyctl "NEXT" Introducing next generation Kubernetes cluster full lifecycle management thanks to KFD furyctl and KFD 1.25
announcements Kubernetes Fury Distribution secured by YOROI: the new frontier in Cluster Defence SIGHUP and YOROI partnered together to provide organizations with a Leading-edge Kubernetes distribution that will speed up and fully secure production-grade Cloud Native environments.
Kubernetes Developing software on Kubernetes in 2023 - Part 1 Discover how to use to streamline the development process on a local machine in a Kubernetes-based workflow.
announcements SIGHUP and Kubecost: bring Kubernetes cost optimization to Europe SIGHUP and Kubecost partnered together to deliver next-generation Kubernetes monitoring to European customers.
announcements Kubernetes Fury Storage The new Add-on Module which enables storage provisioning capabilities for Kubernetes Fury Distribution
Kubernetes Announcing Kubernetes Fury Auth The new KFD Core Module for Authentication and Authorization Management
Cloudnative Run your business in a NIST compliant Kubernetes environment! SIGHUP partners with Cysec to provide a secure Kubernetes-based automation platform for CI/CD and hybrid environments compliant with NIST SP 800-190
Fury Announcing Kubernetes Fury Distribution 1.24 (KFD) Latest Release Here are the latest updates and changes of the new versions of our production-ready Kubernetes Distribution, KFD 1.24.0, 1.23.3, 1.22.1.
Conjur CyberArk Security Bulletin CA23-01, is your Conjur environment affected? What happened? Yesterday CyberArk published the security bulletin CA23-01 related to a critical vulnerability of the Rake ruby package, described in the CVE-2022-30123 . The vulnerability could be used remotely and allow a shell escape within the Conjur leader container. This issue only affects Conjur Enterprise. Containers of Conjur products other
Kubernetes How to run untrusted containers in Kubernetes The IT world is adopting container-based infrastructures more and more every day. However, the advantages, disadvantages and even the limitations are not clear to everyone.
Security Awesome CKS – Tips and tricks Preparing for a certification exam is always challenging. You have to retrieve the material to study, the exercises, and above all, to have a suitable environment to practice.
Kubernetes KFD guidelines for 2022 and the road ahead Find out more on the KFD guidelines for 2022 and what is coming next. Exciting times are ahead!
Kubernetes How to run Kubernetes without Docker Sooner or later this moment had to come, and it finally has: Kubernetes is deprecating Docker as a Container Runtime Interface in favor of the other supported runtimes. Let's try to explain why Docker seems really replaceable.
Engineering Announcing Gatekeeper Policy Manager v0.5.0 We are excited to announce a new release of Gatekeeper Policy Manager (GPM), our open-source web UI to easily manage OPA Gatekeeper and your policies inside Kubernetes Clusters.
Java A journey of migration: Java applications on Kubernetes Your journey to migrate Java applications from standard systems, such as physical or virtual machines, to a Kubernetes cluster is full of threats. Here you can find some guidelines to follow if you want to avoid the main dangers and make the trip as safe as possible.
GitOps Keeping Kubernetes Secrets secret in Flux Managing Secrets is a tough challenge in GitOps. This article explores how Bitnami Sealed Secrets can be used to handle your Kubernetes Secrets in a Flux workflow.
Engineering Gatekeeper Policy Manager turns 1 year old! Let's recap together all the improvements done in the first year of Gatekeeper Policy Manager